India has surpassed China in terms of population, and as a result, a number of demographic concerns, including labour markets and birth rates,

Here are 5 reasons why demographics are significant in this historical shift:

1.China’s population is ageing more quickly than India’s.

China, whose stringent one-child strategy until 2016 kept births at control, will witness a decline in the number of people in working age during the next century as the country’s elderly population rises to more than 40%.

2.India has the highest rate of youth unemployment among developed countries.

That does not mean that India’s future is entirely bright. A little over 12 million individuals join the labour market each year looking for work.

3.India’s female participation in the workforce is unsatisfactory.

While India sees the demographic dividend, a significant figure that is often overlooked is female labor-force participation.

4.Most people in India are classified as low-income.

Although India’s middle-class demographic pales in contrast to China,

5.India, unlike China, will continue to have a large rural population.

According to projections from UN-Habitat, the majority of Indians will continue to live in the countryside by 2035, while the majority of Chinese people will become more urbanised.