The S&P Global’s India service (PMI) purchasing manager’s index increased from 56.4 to 58.5 in Dec,

According to a survey, more employment were generated, And businesses continued to have a positive outlook for the coming year’s business operations

The most recent increase in backlogs increased the period of accumulating to a year, And also the growth rate accelerated from November.

The rate of production cost inflation stayed high as many businesses felt compelled to pass on rising expenses to customers “S&P Global Market Intelligence deputy director in economics Pollyanna De Lima stated.

India S&P Global Manufacturing PMI Dec, 2022

The demand forecasts and marketing strategies continued to be supportive of corporate confidence in December.

According to a private study issued earlier this week. India’s manufacturing activity recovered to a 26 months high in Dec,

The S&P Global India Manufacturing PMI rapidly increased to 57.8 for December vs 55.7 in November.