As fears about disruptions in global supplies mount, China's largest copper producers are pleading with the government to mine more of the metal both domestic and international. According to an article published on Wednesday by the state-run China Nonferrous Metals News.

In a meeting on Tuesday, Jiangxi Copper Co Ltd, Zijin Mining, Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group Co Ltd. And others asked appropriate authorities to begin a fresh round of ore exploring as soon as possible and start a new batch of mines for development. According to the newspaper.

The Chinese mining company MMG Ltd.'s Las Bambas copper mine in Peru said that. It has begun to scale back operations as a result of recent indigenous community blockades. Which have intermittently halted operations for months.

The largest copper producer in the world, Chile's Codelco. Announced this week that it would extend maintenance work at its Chuquicamata smelter beyond its initial 90-day schedule to 135 days.

The largest consumer of copper worldwide, China imports around 25% of what it consumes.

The Chinese firms are claim to have stated at the meeting that mining companies should dig deeper and wider and strive to extend the life of their mines.

Three Chinese corporations were told this week by Canada to stop investing in Canadian resources, citing national security.

Last year, China imported 23.40 million tonnes of copper ore and concentrate while producing 10.49 million tonnes of refined copper.