China begins Relaxing COVID Restrictions, and many cities Report Improved Mobility

According to media sources, millions of citizens in at least 21 cities can use public transportation without having to undergo a nucleic acid test (NAT).

In Shanghai and Shenyang, northeast China. The requirement for a 72-hour negative test to access the subway was remove.

“At least 21 cities around the country have confirmed that they will no longer examine negative nucleic acid Reports in subways.

After “Nationwide Protests” China begins Relaxing COVID Restrictions

Guangzhou, a city in southern China. Eased most restrictions on mobility and reopened marketplaces and businesses for the very first time in weeks.

In most places, target limitations were still in place in neighbourhoods and communities where Covid-19 cases were confirmed.

According to the news website Caixin. Local governments are starting to support a self-testing regime

However, it will take some time, possibly several months, for China’s “zero-Covid” policy to completely be abolished.