Kametstal shipped 19,000 tonnes of coal tar to outside clients in 2023. The result of the formation of coke is a raw material used in subsequent chemical production processes. The press release from the company states this.
A sequential procedure of settling resin from fuselage (semi-solid coking residues) and then from water is one of the technological stages involved in producing resin of the necessary quality. The resin is then delivered to the plant that processes resin.
Specialised storage tanks with a capacity of 300 cubic metres each are used to heat the resin and further separate it from water. There are five of them in all on the shop’s property.
Because storage tank No. 3 is nearing the end of its useful life. The plant has launched an investment project to replace obsolete equipment with newer models.
Kametstal finished renovating Storage Facility No. 3 in January. Specifically, new resin supply or outlet, steam supply, or water drainage lines were installed, along with a steel casing.
To find out how much steam was used for heating, control and measurement devices were installed along with new shut-off valves.
In order to prevent the resin heating temperature from dropping as a result of fuselage depositing on the heating components inside the storage, a remote heat exchanger was installed in place of the built-in one.
As previously reported by Shree Metal Prices, Kametstal recently completed a major overhaul of BOF vessel No. 1. Replacing the non-drive journal bearing, one of the unit’s essential parts, was the last step. Weighing 5.4 tonnes, this component makes sure the BOF vessel rotates while the steel is being made.