
ShreeMetalPrices: Federal Reserve raises interest rates by 25 bps, signals one more hikes this year


The Federal Reserve increased its benchmark short-term interest rate by a quarterly point on Wednesday, continuing its robust fight against inflation in the face of market volatility following Silicon Valley Bank’s (SVB) failure.

The Federal Reserve is predicting some other quarter-point raise to a peak range of 5 percent to 5.25 percent. In line with its Dec prediction & lower than level markets anticipated prior to Silicon Valley Bank’s failure, according to the officials’ median prediction.

However, Federal reserve officials are now expecting just one more rate increase this year & even that move is uncertain. “You may think of (the situation) as being the equivalent of a rate rise and maybe more than that,” Fed Reserve Powell said at a press conference.

He went on to remark that it’s “too early to say” how much the stricter lending requirements will hurt the economy and manage inflation. But he hinted that they might be more significant than initially thought and that the Federal Reserve “may have less job to do.”

The Federal Reserve noted recent pressures in the nation’s banks and stated. They will weaken the economy in a statement following a two-day meeting. But maintained the financial system’s stability. The Fed said the US financial system is robust and resilient. Powell called Silicon Valley Bank “an exception,” noting that the flow of reserves from medium banks to bigger ones has slowed and that no banks are exhibiting the issues that beset it.

Is Federal Reserve going to raise rates again?

Notwithstanding the Silicon Valley Bank issue. The Federal Reserve will hike rates again for four reasons, but not for the 2023 banking catastrophe. According to a recent analysis, nearly 190 banks might suffer the same fate. As SVB The Federal Reserve’s governing committee “remains closely alert to inflation threats.” The central bank added, underscoring that containing consumer price hikes is still its top priority.

The Federal Reserve also indicated that “further policy firming may be needed” to bring inflation down to its goal rate of 2 percent, indicating, that the cycle of rate increases is about to come to an end and that even the final quarter-point hike it forecasts isn’t guaranteed Powell, though, told reporters that the Federal Reserve needed to take action on Wednesday in order to increase public confidence in the Federal Reserve’s ability to control inflation. Which peaked At 9.1% in June last year reached to a 40 years high. It’s critical that we demonstrate our trust via both our words and deeds, he stressed.

With the Federal Reserve’s most recent action. The federal funds rate now ranges from 4.75 percent to 5 percent. The increase in interest rates for credit cards, adjustable-rate loans, & other loans is anticipate to further hamper economic activity.

But after years of pitiful returns, Americans, particularly seniors, are now enjoying greater bank savings yields. Fed was force to make a difficult choice over whether to stick with its rhetoric of battling inflation or take a more cautious approach & halt after 412 points of rate hikes over the previous year. Amid the aftershocks of bank runs that brought down SVB and another bank.

The most fast rate increases since the early 1980s occurred at eight consecutive sessions. Which exacerbated the crisis and increased the likelihood that future rate increases would make banks’ problems worse. When the crisis started, Federal Reserve officials were unable to telegraph their rate plans. As normal since they were in a quiet period that forbade communication with the general public. For a meeting that is generally well-plan to prevent shocking markets, that produce unusual drama.

Why the Federal Reserve hiked rates amid Banking crisis?

On the other hand, analysts disagreed on what the Federal Reserve would do. Most experts predicted regulators would raise the federal Reserve funds rate by a qtr point. Since banking conditions have eased recently. By increasing by lower than the half point that markets had anticipated prior to the crisis. That would allude to the financial issues.

Yet, it would continue the Fed’s efforts to control inflation. Which has risen sharply thus far this year after dropping in late 2022. Concerns about inflation have been exacerbate by the acceleration of consumer spending, salary rises, & job creation since previous year.

According to the median prediction of policymakers. The Federal Reserve stated on Wednesday that it anticipates the economy to expand by 0.4 percent in 2023. Which is slightly lower than the 0.5 percent it predicted in Dec.

In contrast to their earlier projection of 1.6 percent growth, officials now expect just 1.2 percent growth in 2024. Several experts, who are less upbeat, believe that this year’s recession will be caused by the Federal Reserve’s rate rises as well as the financial problems.

We believe that the economy will shortly enter a recession as a result of the crisis. And we believe the Fed will soon begin lowering interest rates again. According to Capital Economics economist Andrew Hunter.

His perspective is in contrast to Federal Reserve projections, which indicate no rate reductions until 2024. By the end of the year, the Federal Reserve projects. That the current unemployment rate of 3.6 percent will increase to 4.5 percent, slightly lower than the 4.6 percent they had previously predicted.

Consequences of Tighter Financial Constraints

But compared to earlier projections of 3.1 percent. The Federal Reserve’s preferred measure of yearly inflation is now anticipate to fall from 5.4 percent in Jan to 3.3 percent by year’s end. Next year, i Inflation is anticipate to reach 2.5 percent.

In light of this, a Federal Reserve pause would have likely boosted equities & decreased corporate borrowing costs, boosting an economy that authorities have been attempting to weaken in order to contain inflation. According to Oxford Economics analyst Ryan Sweet.

According to experts, a pause may have indicated that the Federal Reserve was concerned about the stability of the banking system, which could have increased tension.

The European Central Bank (ECB) increased interest rates last week despite Credit Suisse’s problems. Which were resolved when Union Bank of Switzerland bought the investment bank. Markets were unaffected by the European Central Bank’s action, giving many Federal Reserve watchers additional hope that the Federal Reserve will do the same.

Economic impacts

But, a rate increase, according to Goldman Sachs & others, would defeat the Fed’s objectives of easing financial pressures and ensuring the stability of American institutions. Particularly given that the crisis was sparked by the central bank’s impulsive rate increases.

Also, Goldman predicted that the unrest will reduce economic growth by up to a half point. Which would be comparable to a quarter to a half point rate hike. As banks are predicted to reduce lending as a result of the unrest.

That would allow the Fed room to manoeuvre while keeping an eye on the crisis’s residual effects.
When failing tech companies started taking money out of Silicon Valley Bank for funding requirements. The bank was forced to sell bonds that had losing value due to the Fed’s abrupt rate increases.

Other clients with deposits exceeding 250,000 dollar that aren’t Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insured withdrew their money as a result of the bank’s capital losses.

Impact of SVB’s & Signature Bank collapse

How could this happen?” was the question we kept asking ourselves over the 1st week.” Powell informed the press.
First Republic Bank, which got 30 billion dollar in reserves from JPMorgan & other big banks, was threatened by similar bank runs that ultimately caused the downfall of Signature Bank of New York.

In order to guarantee that depositors at Silicon Valley Bank, Signature, and maybe other banks that represent a risk to the financial sector could access all of their money. The Federal Reserve and other authorities stated they would provide funding. They also introduced a lending facility so that other local banks could loan money to pay for withdrawals made by depositors who were not insured.

Stocks of local banks fell previous week but have somewhat recovered. Only a small number of them, according to Barclays, are at risk of bank runs as their profiles resemble Silicon Valley Bank’s, with a high proportion of uninsured depositors & hazardous bond holdings.

According to the New York Times, Silicon Valley Bank had been under a thorough investigation. When the crisis hit and had previously received criticism from the Federal Reserve for its high percentage of uninsured deposits and substantial bond holdings.

Powell, though, said that the bank’s collapse quickly got worse.
It’s obvious that monitoring and regulation need to be strengthened, and he declared that he would support doing so.